Hog maw is the stomach of a pig. It is the lining of the stomach, is very muscular and contains no fat. It can be found in soul food, Chinese, Pennysylvania Dutch, Scottish, and Italian dishes usually if cleaned properly and it has been prepared in various ways including stewed, fried, baked, and broiled. [ Wikipedia ]
The dishes of pork stomach soup is a traditional way to help the given birth women for their recovery. And since we are Chinese, so these traditional recipes are used so far now and the ways of cleaning the hog maw is also not known so widely. From the old acne they have their secret recipe to clean these stomachs with digested stuffs in.
The papaya leaf and salt as well as the corn flour are very important ingredients for our today’s experiment----Clean the Hog maw with them and help to improve the texture.
Papaya leaves are widely used in south east Asia for daily cooking, and it contains beta-carotene, calcium, carpaine, fats, flavonols, niacin, papain, tannins, and vitamin C (in higher concentration in the leaf than in the fruit).
There is an enzyme exists in the papaya fruits as well as the leaves called papain which is best known as a digestive aid. The latex is used as a freckle remover, The leaves have been used as a substitute for soap, and for dressing wounds
The addition of salts can rub the dirts on the surface of the stomach and help to destroy the bacteria and pathogens.
For our experiments, the salt, papaya leaves and the corn flours are main ingredients. And the purpose is to find out the using for these ingredients how they can improve the texture.
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