Monday, November 2, 2009


  1. [mountain rose herbs] available at <> Accessed on [1st November 2009]

  2. Unknown author. [Hog maw] available at <> Accessed on [1st November 2009]

  3. Unknown author. [Stomach] available at <'s+stomach&source=bl&ots=qr08nwNx-h&sig=UW4HQaiw1woI9IxZ85lsD4X7gVQ&hl=en&ei=AYXsStHnCI6PkQWw1_SbDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CBkQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=pig's%20stomach&f=false> Accessed on [1st November 2009]

  4. [Stomach] available at <> Accessed on [2nd November 2009]

  5. [Papain] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]

  6. [Pork Stomach] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]

  7. [Herbal] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]

  8. [Coca-cola] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]

  9. [Health] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]

  10. [Coca-cola] available at <> Accessed on [3rd November 2009]


Among the three methods, the first method is the most efficient which using papaya leaf, corn flour and salt. The time used in washing is the least, improved texture and tenderness.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Discussions & the SECRET behind~~

From the testing on cleaning the pig’s stomach, the pig’s stomach that is cleaned by using cleaning method A (which using salt, corn flour and papaya leaf to clean the pig’s stomach) is clean, tender and not smelly. For the pig’s stomach that is cleaned by using cleaning method B (which using only salt and corn flour to clean the pig’s stomach) is clean, tough and smelly. While, for the pig’s stomach that is cleaned by using cleaning method C (which using salt, corn flour and coca-cola to clean the pig’s stomach) is clean, tender and not smelly.

The pig’s stomach is high in protein and low fat. The inner of pig’s stomach contains a yellow layer of mucous membrane (stomach juice, fat and etc). This layer of mucous membrane is removed by rubbing the pig’s stomach with salt and corn flour. The pig’s stomach is tough because it is very muscular. The muscles of pig’s stomach are made of strong fibers. The fibrils, which have a complex internal structure bound together by long protein chains, give the muscles their structural integrity so that the muscles can contract. Besides that, the pig’s stomach is tough because of the connective tissue, which is mostly protein, holds the muscles of pig’s stomach together. Hence, the pig’s stomach that is cleaned by using only salt and corn flour is clean, tough and smelly. ('s+stomach&source=bl&ots=qr08nwNx-h&sig=UW4HQaiw1woI9IxZ85lsD4X7gVQ&hl=en&ei=AYXsStHnCI6PkQWw1_SbDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CBkQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=pig's%20stomach&f=false).

In general, enzyme is the complex molecule that produced in living organisms and functions as chemical reaction catalyst within the cell. The papaya leaf is rich of latex that contains a protein-cleaving enzyme, which is known as papain. Besides that, papain is also called proteolytic enzyme or protease, which is the enzyme that breaks down the protein into smallest element. Therefore, papain has the ability to act as pig’s stomach tenderizer because the pig’s stomach is high in protein. The structural integrity of the muscle fibers in pig’s stomach is disrupted due to the papain cuts the protein chains in fibrils and connective tissue, and thus, the pig’s stomach become tender. In additions, the papaya leaf is also able to break down the carbohydrate and fat due to the presence of papain. Hence, the pig’s stomach is not smelly (pig’s smell) due to the carbohydrate (food that retained in the pig’s stomach) and fat (fat layer in the inner of pig’s stomach) are broken down. Based on those factors, the pig’s stomach that is cleaned by using salt, corn flour and papaya leaf is clean, tender and not smelly. ( & (Gerelt et al. 2000).

Besides papaya leaf, there has another method that also can make the pig’s stomach become clean, tender and not smelly. The method used is clean the pig’s stomach by using salt, corn flour and coca-cola ( Coca-cola contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural flavours, coca leaf, kola nut extract, lime extract, vanilla, glycerine and caffeine. Coca-cola is acidic (pH range from 2.5 - 4.2) due to its acidic content, phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid serves an additive in coca-cola drinks. It is also used in the manufacture of fertilizers, detergents and pharmaceuticals. Besides that, coca-cola is acidic because of the carbon dioxide that dissolved in coca-cola will form carbonic acid ( The acidic content in coca-cola is able to break down the protein (muscle fibers) in pig’s stomach. Thus, coca-cola has the ability to act as pig’s stomach tenderizer due to its acidic properties. Hence, the pig’s stomach become clean, tender and not smelly after it is cleaned by using salt, corn flour and coca-cola.


Part A

Part B

Part C









Average time used for washing

10 minutes

15 minutes

11 minutes

The black-pepper pork-stomach soup boiled with chicken ribs~~

The texture improved~~
And yummy yummy~~

Procedures-the story when bath the pork-stomach~~

  1. The pork-stomach was taken out from the refrigerator.
  2. The pork-stomach was turned inside out and washed with clean water to remove the mucus that sticked on it.
  3. As for the Part-A materials, the fresh papaya leaf was soaked into one bowl of water to remove the liquid from the stem itself.
  4. The water containing the liquid secreted from the papaya leaf was used to clean the internal surface of pork-stomach.
  5. At this stage, 2 table-spoons of salt and 2 table-spoons of corn flour were spread onto the surface of the pork-stomach.
  6. The pork-stomach was rubbed to remove the dirts and mucus.
  7. The pork-stomach was washed with clean water.
  8. Step 5 to Step 7 were repeated until all the dirts and mucus that found in the pork stomach was all removed.
  9. Wok was heated until it is hot enough (around 90 degree Celsius).
  10. When the wok was hot, the pork stomach was place into the wok.
  11. The pork-stomach was flipped over for 10 times or until the undesirable smell was gone.
  12. After that, the pork-stomach was cleaned again by clean water and was ready for cooking.
  13. The texture observed and time used for cleaning were recorded.
  14. As for Part-B and Part-C materials, Step 1 to Step 2, and Step 5 until Step 13 were repeated.

Here's the story goes~~

Fresh papaya leaves were 'stolen' from neighbour's house~~

The white 'juice' from the stem is used in washing pork-stomach~~

Soaked in water for the 'juice' to be secreted out~~


Here's the main material used-pork stomach~~

Turned the pork-stomach inside-out to remove the transparent mucous~~

Wash, wash, wash~~

And wash, wash, wash~~

Until most of the mucous were washed off~~

Corn flour and salt were placed scoop by scoop~~

Wash, wash, wash...
Rub, rub, rub....

Wash off the corn flour and salt by removing the mucous together~~

Same procedure repeated~~
Corn flour and salt~~

Wash again~~

Same procedures repeated until the mucous all removed~~

Rub, rub and rub~~
Three times or more, until the mucous all gone~~

My mum so enjoy the washing~~
Even still very smelly~~

Trimmed off the fats from the pork-stomach~~

Trimmed, trimmed and trimmed~~

Corn flour that we used~~
MAGIC tool in removing dirts~~

Another MAGIC tool~~

Is so 'yiak-ky'~~
So smelly~~

After the washing done, wok is ready for next step~~

Heat the wok~~
But without putting any oils~~

Clean but smelly pork-stomach~~

Let's remove the smell before use in boiling soup~~

Not to cook the pork-stomach,
just to remove the smell~~

Flipped, flipped and flipped~~

The sound was the effects~~
It brings away the undesirable smell~~

The dirt sticked on the wok~~
And now the pork-stomach is no more smelly~~

Really for cooking~~

Observed the texture~~

Trimmed off the yellow parts~~

The pork-stomach looks so beautiful without the dirts, yellow parts and smell~~

She's so enjoy~~

No more smelly~~
Testimonial from my mum~~

**Special thanks to my mummy for helping me~~

Materials & Apparatus Used~~

Part A

Part B

Part C

  • Papaya leaf
  • Salt
  • Corn flour

  • Salt
  • Corn flour
  • Coca-cola
  • Salt
  • Corn flour

And their common raw material is: Pork-stomach (unclean type)

Common apparatus used: Paip water of course, wok, and bowls.